In the years following  Vatican II, Boston’s Paulist Center became a magnet for young Catholics fired by the Council’s  spirit or renewal and its  effect on music and liturgy.  Our founding members met there and shared their need for a smaller, more personal version of this community. In 1972 they formed The People of the Promise (POP).

We were a lay-led group from the start, lucky in the series of outstanding Paulist and Jesuit priests who presided at our liturgies and served as true pastors. Since 2016 Rev. Sharon Dickinson has fulfilled this role, assisted periodically by several other impressive women priests.

Over the years our meeting places have varied widely, ranging from a university chapel to an Odd Fellows Hall. When Covid put a stop to meeting in person,  Zoom brought new community members far beyond the Boston area and, also increased – thanks to Sharon’s technical skills – the musical and visual richness of our liturgy.